Author Archives: IVRresource

BPO Company Launches AI-Driven Conversational IVR Technology

By | August 30, 2019

Artificial intelligence makes many aspects of your contact center smarter today: it helps locate conversations in quality monitoring solutions, and it helps build better, more intelligence schedules. In some cases, it even drives customer chat, either handling chat responses entirely or guiding human agents to finding better answers more quickly. So why shouldn’t it add… Read More »

How IVR Can Boost Profitability

By | February 18, 2019

productivity for increased profits. This pursuit is particularly pronounced in the domain of contact centers, traditionally deemed as cost centers but evolving into profit-generating hubs with the aid of modern technology. Within this technological landscape, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) stands out, offering capabilities that extend beyond the conventional “Press 1 for this, press 2 for… Read More »

What the future of Customer Service holds, as foretold by the History of Customer Service.

By | June 10, 2018

While talking about future of customer service, let’s come back to its history.  1876. This was the year Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. His first words that were also first words said through telephone were “Mr Watson, come here, I want to see you.’  The telephone enabled people to communicate remotely, which was also… Read More »